Technical Specifications

3D-SIM Resolution
Excitation Wavelength 3D-SIM XY resolution 3D-SIM Z resolution
405nm 110 ± 5 nm 340 ± 10 nm
445nm 115 ± 5 nm 340 ± 10 nm
488nm 120 ± 5 nm 340 ± 10 nm
514nm 120 ± 5 nm 350 ± 10 nm
568nm 135 ± 5 nm 350 ± 15 nm
642nm 160 ± 5 nm 380 ± 20 nm

Objective Lenses
SIM Olympus 60X / 1.42 Plan Apo
TIRF Olympus 60X / 1.49 Plan Apo TIRF

Image pixel size for both objectives is 80nm

Stage Operation
Stage range (XY) 25 × 25 mm
Z piezo repeatability ± 50 nm
Z piezo range 30 μm maximum range during Z stack acquisition.
Z piezo step resolution 4 nm
XYZ Nanomover repeatability ± 100 nm
XYZ Nanomover range 25 mm total travel
XYZ Nanomover step resolution 10 nm

Camera Details
Manufacturer PCO
Chip type Front Illuminated sCMOS
Chip size (SIM) 512 x 512 pixels
Chip size (WF/TRIF) 1024 x 1024 pixels
Pixel Size 6.45 µm
Image Pixel Size 80 nm
Readout Speeds 95 MHz, 286 MHz
Read Noise 1.5 e at 95 MHz, 2 e at 286 MHz
Dynamic Range 15,000
Quantum efficiency ~38% at 435nm
~53% at 528nm
~57% at 609nm
~51% at 683nm

Operational Speed
1 second per 1 µm stack per wavelength
(with 512×512 image size, 1 ms exposure, 125 nm steps, 8 slices, 15 images per slice)

High Speed Widefield
Region of Interest FPS at 95MHz Single Frame FPS at 286MHZ Single Frame
256×256 202 4.91 ms 387 2.57 ms
512×512 118 8.40 ms 266 3.73 ms
1024×1024 64 15.4 ms 163 6.06 ms

1 ms exposure, no Z move or time delay.
Note: Multicamera acquisition at high speed will be limited by slowest exposure time and requirement to synchronize cameras

TIRF/PK module
TIRF Scan Speed 300 Hz, scan diameter adjustable
PK spot size 1 μm at 60×
TIRF to PK switch time ~ 12 ms

OMX Laser System
Our OMX has 6 laser lines (≥100 mW): 405nm, 445nm, 488nm, 514nm, 568nm, and 642nm
Each is controlled with high speed galvo shutters capable of ~200µs switching time

Widefield Illumination
6 color solid state illumination. Up to 4 channels simultaneously. Less than 1 ms switching time.

Emission Filter Wheel
Emission from both the 405 and 642 channels (DAPI and Cy5) are delivered to the same camera. This camera has a filter wheel for emission filter switching. The filter wheel has a switching time of 250ms

Excitation Filters
Channel Center Wavelength Bandwidth
DAPI 395.5 ± 2 29.0 ± 2
FITC 477.0 ± 2 32.0 ± 2
mCherry, A568 571.0 ± 2 19.0 ± 2
Cy5 645.50 ± 2 15.0 ± 2
CFP 438.0 ± 2 24.0 ± 2
YFP 512.5 ± 2 15.0 ± 2

Emission Filters
The same filters and polychroic mirrors are used for both Laser and Widefield Illumination

Channel Center Wavelength Bandwidth
DAPI 435.5 ± 2 31.0 ± 2
FITC 528.0 ± 2 48.0 ± 2
mCherry, A568 609.0 ± 2 37.0 ± 2
Cy5 683.0 ± 2 40.0 ± 2
CFP 477.5 ± 2 35.0 ± 2
YFP 541.0 ± 2 22.0 ± 2

BGR Polychroic
Channel Band (nm) Avg % Transmission
DAPI EM 421-450 > 90%
DAPI EX 382-409 < 10%
FITC EM 505-549 > 90%
FITC EX 462-492 < 10%
A568 EM 591.5-626.5 > 90%
A568 EX 561-580 < 10%
Cy5 EM 664-702 > 90%
Cy5 EX 639-652 < 10%

CYR Polychroic
Channel Band (nm) Avg % Transmission
CFP EM 461-494 > 90%
CFP EX 427-449 < 10%
YFP EM 531-551 > 90%
YFP EX 506-519 < 10%
mCherry EM 591.5-626.5 > 90%
mCherry EX 563-580 < 10%
Cy5 EM 664-702 > 90%
Cy5 EX 639-652 < 10%